Friday, November 20, 2009

Corner Shelf Redo

I am soooooo excited!!!! I found this beauty at a garage sale and only paid $10 for it!!!!! Talk about awesome!!!

It came with this color, so, I painted it!!! :) Sorry I forgot to take a before pic, but here are the after pics.
After I painted it, I scuffed it up a bit using sand paper. I love, love, love how it turned out. It has totally changed the entire look of my dining room!!! So, next time you are out driving around and see a garage sale, stop!!! Because you never know what treasure you might find!!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


I found some things that are just plain cool. I love how "out of th box" people can be in their expressions via home decor. Someday.... my house will be this cool. lol


Friday, November 13, 2009

Create Wall

So, I did this one a while back, but it is still my favorite wall in the whole house. I made the CREATE out of vinyl and then just hung a really thick piece of wire on 2 nails (one at each end). I use safety pins to attach the pictures, although I think that using those really small clothespins would be a lot more cute, I was going for cheap, so I used what I had on hand. It works and my daughter loves to put the things that she makes on the wall.

Photobucket src="" border=0>
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